Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Great, not so great!

I guess we have made a few steps in our process - Great. But the frustration is overwhelming right now. Although we made our project work technically, there is a lot of things that still has to be done: magazine articles, animations, projector testing, sound searching and so on and so forth - Not so great. And at the top of everything, we all work right now from different locations. Later today we will also have process follow up. And hopefully we'll get some clarification on the "what and how". Right now the road feels a little long with the deadlines just around the corner - Not so great! However, if we manage to pull this one of the way we want, that would be just SUPER GREAT!
Anyway here is our logo that Hampus and Therese made. And this one is GREAT GREAT!
To be continued...

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